Culture in psychiatric epidemiology: Using ethnography and multiple mediator models to assess the relationship of caste with depression and anxiety in Nepal
Kohrt B.A., Speckman R.A., Kunz R.D., Baldwin J.L., Upadhaya N., Acharya N.R., Sharma V.D., Nepal M.K., Worthman C.M.
Annals of human biology
Published on: 9 July 2009
Background: The causes of ethnic and caste-based disparities in mental health are poorly understood.
Aim: The study aimed to identify mediators underlying caste-based disparities in mental health in Nepal.
Subjects and methods: A mixed methods ethnographic and epidemiological study of 307 adults (Dalit/Nepali, n=75; high caste Brahman and Chhetri, n=232) was assessed with Nepali versions of Beck Depression (BDI) and Anxiety (BAI) Inventories.